WHIN IoT Tech Consortium
WHIN Ventures
Providing insights on emerging IOTtech from Ag and Mfg practitioners in the midwest.

To match technologies with our members’ needs, WHIN uses a 5-stage process to vet hundreds of innovative high-growth IoT tech companies around the world. The WHIN Consortium was designed to partner with large corporations and venture capital firms by offering to share the results of our field trials, the results of our own diligence work with tech companies, and our annual audits of all of our existing Tech Partners. In addition, we’re offering focus group discussions with our farmer and manufacturing members who participated in technology trials and/or adopted Tech Partner offerings.


Quarterly access to WHIN Ventures data

  • • Due diligence briefs on 10+ companies recently analyzed
  • • WHIN-Network pilot results (up to 4/yr)
  • • Annual audit reports from all active TechPartners
Private conference to review WHIN Ventures data
  • • Q&A Conference call with WHIN Ventures team (4x/yr)
  • • Collaborate on promising emerging tech and trends
Tickets to WHIN annual Alliance Summits
  • • See existing TechPartner presentations
  • • Experience pipeline TechPartners
  • • Hear farmer feedback on emerging tech and trends
Access to “exclusive” farmer focus groups
  • •Participate in a feedback sessions directly with WHIN farmers
Voting rights to determine forthcoming Tech Pilots

Opportunity to sponsor a private pilot of your own

Member logos