WHIN Agriculture Alliance

Join our network of farmers to get discounts on emerging technologies.


Network with others in region

Ag Alliance members will receive an invitation to our annual Ag Alliance Summits where you can engage directly with tech partners and WHIN staff, learn about emerging tech, and hear testimonials from fellow alliance members.


Advanced technologies offered

• Telesense Bin Monitoring
• ROGO Robotic Soil Sampling
• Intelinair Crop Intelligence
• Solinftec Digital Farm Management

Weather Stations

Weather stations for alliance members

As a thank you for joining the Ag Alliance you will receive a complimentary Davis weather station to install anywhere on your farm. The mobile/web app will give you access to the densest weather station network in the country.

Tech Partners

Davis Weather Station
Rogo Automated Soil Sampling
Tell me more about alliances

or email us for more information:

Wabash Heartland Innovation Network is deploying hundreds of weather stations across our region and sharing information our farmers can use to become more efficient, save time, and increase yields. WHIN now has one of the densest weather station networks in the country.

View weather
Steve Wallpe

“WHIN is innovative and progressive people working together for the betterment of our region.”

Steve Wallpe
WHIN Ag Alliance Member since 2019